Running paths and the cross over gait and narrow step width.

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This is a walking/running path. Do the runners on this path only have one foot? No, of course not, they are running on a line. Yes, we cannot get away from this cross over gait, a terribly narrow based gait pattern.
Is it economical? Likely.
Risky ? Possibly.
Do we know that this angled attack of the foot towards the mid-line asks more from the frontal plane stabililzers in the hip and core ? Yes, research has shown this.
Do we know that the gluteus medius helps with foot targeting? Yes, research again shows this, and thus a weak gluteus medius will enable a more medial targeting. Lesson: the gluteus medius helps with foot targeting on the swing leg, and hip stability on the stance leg.
With a Cross Over gait, Do we know that we need better control of internal spin of the limb, better foot pronation durability and many other durable abilities that we might not need so much of if we were better stacking the joint? Again, yes.

We confirmed with the reader who sent the photo that this is not a bike path (at this location this path is for walking folks, the bike path is adjacent to the parking lot).
The reader (Terry B. (thank you Terry)) astutely mentioned that people are walking on a line. If they had some spacing, step width, there would be 2 trails and a tiny patch of grass between them.

But, now, this line, the line is a queue for others to "walk the line" and join the cross-over nation.
We have written gobs of articles on this cross over topic, the few benefits, the teeter-totter "risk / reward" factor, the drawbacks and injury susceptibility factor and we have spoken about it on our podcast probably 100x. IF you wish to entertain that rabbit hole of knowledge, just goto our website and type it into the "search" box. "cross over gait"