The Skill of walking

The Skill of Walking:
We enjoy most of what goes up on #BreakingMuscle. This one brings up a point we use in the clinic all the time, Mimicry.
We use to to help our patients "see" what we see them doing in their gait or movements. We mimic what we see in their gait while we explain the "what" and "why" of their dysfunctional gait. 
Sometimes we are so wrong when it comes to understanding exactly what we are doing. Think your posture is good ? Check it next time you walk pasta mirror, it is possible it is not as pristine as you think it is. We have mirrors up all over our clinic so people can see what they look like and what they are doing. We encourage them to check on their posture in the mirrors when they walk down to the treatment rooms (and, it is not just for the patients! !). Mirrors can be a real asset when it comes to feedback. 
Mimicry of our clients movements helps them to understand, in 3 dimensions, in many respects better than 2D video what they are actually doing (we discuss this more in podcast 112 launching in a few weeks). Virtual reality is going to clean up many problems we have teaching in the clinic.…/the-skill-of-walking