Footballer’s Ankle (follow up on the iWalk Powerfoot):
This is clinical condition which is most  often present in those who have engaged in kicking sports for a number  of years. As in soccer, the striking of the ball forcefully in a plantarfl…

Footballer’s Ankle (follow up on the iWalk Powerfoot):

This is clinical condition which is most often present in those who have engaged in kicking sports for a number of years. As in soccer, the striking of the ball forcefully in a plantarflexed position can generate a traction apophysis (bony tubercle) from the repeated traction stress put on the anterior ankle capsule and ligaments.  This tubercle can form a spur that can act like a door stop impeding any further ankle dorsiflexion (rocker). Footballers ankle manifests itself with pain at the front part of the ankle joint. Soft tissue can become trapped at this anterior joint aspect and produce localized pain. IT will look like a normal degenerative spur, but the clients age and activity will help clarify the diagnosis and pathogenesis.