Making Kim Jong-un a better sprinter. Kim Jong-un has no shoulder extension. Video proof.

Kim Jong-un has no shoulder extension. Video proof.

Perfect gait example here today, Video of Kim Jong-un's gait.
This is what aberrant arm swing looks like during someone's gait when they do not swing the arms from the glenohumeral joint, specifically not acquiring shoulder extension (posterior arm swing) . Here Jong-un is seen merely performing arm swing from flexion and extension of THE ELBOW. This is not uncommon in the obese and those without ample hip extension. Remember, the motor patterns for the arms take massive queues from the lower limb motor patterns. Without hip extension you will typically not see shoulder extension (or thoracic rotation). Do not coach arm swing, fix leg swing and stance first. -dr. allen

Making Kim Jong-un a better sprinter.

". . . .these same issues are playing out in your runners. Many do not have enough thoracic mobility or scapular stability and that is why you see their sucky arm swing (on one or both sides) that you so desperately hate and are trying to coach out of them. Or, their arm swing suck starts from somewhere deeper, down below in the core, pelvis or lower limbs. Go for the fix, and you will get the arm swing you want. Be part of your client's solution, not part of building a suckier arm swing compensation, heck, they already have one, so don't layer your desirable arm swing on top of their ever present problem."

We are pounding arm swing yet again this week. If you missed it, go back to Wednesdays post here on FB (and on our thegaitguys blog) to get caught up on those concepts, but make sure you read my post from yesterday as well.

Look at Kim Jung-un's arm swing again. As we mentioned Wednesday, there is only elbow swing, there is really very minimal if any shoulder extension swinging. But how could there be? After all, there is ZERO thoracic rotation to base this off of. Look at the video, it does not lie, his shoulders are silent, there is no thoracic rotation.
Yesterday I discussed the principles of the normal antiphasic gait, that being the pelvis and torso should rotate in equal and opposite directions (antiphasic). That requisite torso rotation helps to drive the posterior shoulder extension swing and thus the anterior shoulder flexion swing on the opposite side. Without torso/trunk rotation, the shoulders are going to be silent, and thus, arm swing must come from the elbows. This is really crappy gait mechanics.
Now, if you are going to coach him to be a sprinter (ok, lets settle for a better walker), are you going to force the arm swing you want ? or are you going to help him restore his antiphasic gait, and help him earn separation in opposite rotation between the torso/trunk and the pelvis ? If you want him to be Usain Bolt fast, help him regain antiphasic . . . give him hip and pelvis drills to help him get more hip extension (but give him the requisite core work first so he doesn't flare up his back pain) and help him get better pelvis obliquity, of which much has to come from better abdominal engagement. And then give him some thoracic/truck rotation drills to earn more of that. Then help him combine these parts. But, don't just teach him how to pump his arms as one does in sprint drills.
My point in this over exaggerated case is this, these same issues are playing out in your runners. Many do not have enough thoracic mobility or scapular stability and that is why you see their sucky arm swing (on one or both sides) that you so desperately hate and are trying to coach out of them. Or, their arm swing suck starts from somewhere deeper, down below in the core, pelvis or lower limbs. Go for the fix, and you will get the arm swing you want. Be part of your client's solution, not part of building a suckier arm swing compensation, heck, they already have one, so don't layer your desirable arm swing on top of their ever present problem. -Dr. Allen