
Congrats to Coach Cameron! Our 1st Certification in Germany!

Here is what this coach has to say about the IFGEC Certification program:

“I found the National Shoe Fit Program very informative. So much information was presented in a short amount of time, and I have learned a huge amount. Without being able to stop to write and go back to check I had the information clear in my head I would have only taken away a very small amount of the detail required to start to get my head around this subject.

I am a coach, personal trainer and an athlete and will be using this within my coaching here in Germany. After buying so many shoes and seeing Doctors in the past about problems had with running I am amazed that not one person had gone into the detail and really looked at my feet in the way they should have been. I now believe I have been given a short cut to all the basic information and now have a solid platform on with to build more biomechanical information.

Thank you for the course.

Regards Cameron Lamont”

Want to know more? Contact us at: thegaitguys@gmail.com