Knee pain when skiing ?

Why does this dude have knee pain when he skis?

-This patient presented with knee pain, right greater than left when skiing both cross country and downhill as well as knee pain with walking long distances. Can you figure out why?

-This patient has external tibial torsion. Drop a plumbline from the tibial tuberosity and you’ll see that it passes medially on the foot increasing his progression angle. When his feet are straight (2nd picture) his knees fall to the inside creating patellofemoral discomfort and problems.

-have trouble spotting this?
-Join us tonight on for biomechanics 301. This lecture will cover the basics of gait and evaluation helping you to determine normal from abnormal.

#gait #gaitanalysis #ett #externaltibialtorsion #tibialtorsion #clinicalexam #kneepain

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