metatarsus adductus

Metatarsus adductus or metatarsus varus/forefoot adductus as it is also known is a congenital deformity occurring one in about every 1000 to 2000 live births. It can be due to genetics, intrauterine positioning and occasionally the sleeping position of a baby.

-If you draw a line bisecting the heel forward through the foot it should pass through the second metatarsal or between the second and third metatarsal. If the foot is medial to this line, the condition is present.

-It sometimes can resolve without treatment however this case persisted into adulthood.

It often results in the individual having greater amounts of supination in the foot, less flexibility and is often present with a cavus arch along with internal tibial torsion. In this particular case, the adductus combined with his internal tibial torsion was causing patellofemoral tracking issues

#metatarsusadductus #metatarsus #adductus #forefoot #forefootadductus #supination

They often occur in threes

-Congenital abnormalities that is…

-For whatever reason, when you see one of these things, there are usually at least two more to go along with it. Take this gentleman for example. We looked at his forefoot adductus on the 29th. Can you also see how he has a cavus arch as well as internal tibial torsion?

-The cavus arch means that his weight will most likely be on the lateral aspect of his foot. The internal tibial torsion and forefoot adductus will both cause him to bear weight laterally as well. This results in an over supinated foot which is an excellent lever but poor shock absorber.

-For these folks we like to improve the range of motion in the feet intersegmentally, Ensure that they have adequate extension and internal range of motion of the hips and will sometimes employee of August post if there are patella femoral tracking issues to get the knee back to midline

#valgus#forefootadductus#InternalTibialTorsion #CongenitalAbnormalities #cavusarch #Gait #gaitguys #gaitabnormalities

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