Novice runners show greater kinematic changes with fatigue.

Soft face palm here, most of us could have assumed this, but it is always nice to see a study to prove it.
This is the stuff we see in practice all the time. Throw some asymmetry and pathomechanics on top of these runners and then allow them to fatigue and it is a perfect storm.
The point today is that these are not the hard patients to help, it is the seasoned runners, the ones on their 30th marathon if you will. They have ground into their system deep durability and adaptability. They have learned to accommodate to loads under fatigue, they adapt to the environment well. These are the runners who might say to you, "at mile 15 i was getting some lateral hip pain, and then through mile 16 it went away". What did they do to manage to do that? That is your puzzle to solve Sherlock.
This is the game we/you play everyday.
What went wrong, find the source, prevent it next time, find the adaptive pattern, tease out the asymmetry, find the strategy they deployed.
Oh, and one more time, what you see them doing on the treadmill, in your gait analysis, is their adaptable pattern, not their problem.

The gait guys, Shawn and Ivo

#gait, #gaitanalysis, #gaitproblems, #novicerunners, #fatigue

Novice runners show greater changes in kinematics with fatigue compared with competitive runners

ArticleinSports Biomechanics 17(3):1-11 · July 2017