Want more stability when trail running (through snow)? Try this… snow running

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When running through about 6-8” of fresh snow, something may occur to you, especially if you lose your balance: Improve your proprioception!

Here is what you can do:

First, I spread your toes. Maximize the real estate available to your feet in your shoes?

Next, widen your stance (or base of gait). Your weight spread over a larger surface area will be more stable and provide stability being distributed over a larger surface area.

Third, raised your arms out from your sides (no, don't try to fly) to provide more input from your upper extremities to your proprioceptive system (more input from peripheral joint and muscle mechanoreceptors = more input to cerebellum = better balance)

Lastly, slowed down from your blistering pace. Though this will not improve your surface area, it will give your aging nervous system more time to react.

These actions were all “primitive” reactions of the nervous system when learning to walk.

Want to have better balance?

Spread your toes
Widen your stance
Raise your arms
Slow down
Notice I didn’t say this would make you faster. Who is more likely to fall on a corner when being chased by a predator; the tortoise or the hare?

A little practical neurology for you this morning brought to you by the geeks of gait.
