Can you say Forefoot Adductus?

-Take a look at these tootsies. Draw an imaginary lines for the center of the hill: this should normally pass up through the foot either through the second metatarsal or between the second and third. Can you see how the foot is somewhat banana shaped?


– This is also called metatarsus adductus. The deformity is at the apex of the tarsal/metatarsal joint, also known as Lisfranc joint. The fifth metatarsal base is often prominent in the foot is convex in shape with a higher arch.

-This is usually caused by intrauterine positioning and if caught early will usually spontaneously resolve. Since this gal is over 34, that’s probably not her reality. It is interesting to note that along with this congenital deformity, hip dysplasia and internal tibial torsion (which she has) are extremely common.



– Gait abnormalities seen with this include a decreased progression angle, and a propulsive gait often secondary to poor intrinsic function of the foot musculature

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