Stretching secrets.

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Stretching secrets you need to know

-We know from studies out there that static stretching can lengthen muscle (actually add sarcomeres), but you need to do it 30 minutes per day per muscle; not fast..

-How about taking advantage of the stretch reflex and reciprocal inhibition?

-Reciprocal inhibition is summed up by this diagram. Note the direct Is afferent connection from the spindle to the alpha motor neuron; When the spindle is stretched, and the pathway is intact, the muscle contracts.

-Remember, ANY kind of stretch or anything that changes the length of the spindle will effect it. So what happens when you do a nice, long, slow stretch? You ACTIVATE the spindle, which activates the alpha motor neuron. If you stretch long enough, you may fatigue the reflex. So why do we give folks long, slow stretches to perform? Good question! Certainly not to “relax” the muscle!

-So, how can we utilize this reflex?
-How about to activate a weak or lengthened muscle?

-Did you notice the other neuron in the picture? There is an axon collateral coming off the Ia afferent that goes to an inhibitory interneuron, which, in turn, inhibits the antagonist of what you just stretched or activated. So if you acitvate one muscle, you inhibit its antagonist, provided there are not too many other things acting on that inhibitory interneuron that may be inhibiting its activity. Yes, you can inhibit something that inhibits, which means you would essentially be exciting it. This is probably one of the many mechanisms that explain spasticity/hypertonicity

More tomorrow on how to use this reflex to you and your patients advantage.
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Image credit: Wikipedia